Get the most out of presenting your property for sale in 5 ways


1 Rhyndarra St

Presentation to get the most return:

5 ways you can get the most out of presenting your home for sale. An exterior wash of the house can really lift the first impression on your property. If it is too soon to paint your white eaves and soffits, sometimes a professional high-pressure gurney wash can be almost just as good and certainly cheaper. Make sure the driveways is free from mould and oil spots and gardens are neat and well presented.

See if you can get the most out of your neighbours lawns looking freshly mowed also. Coordinating professional trades over a few days to ensure the first impressions of your property are on point can earn you far more than the minor cost outlay and getting it done professionally should certainly save you time and hassle.

Staging : The imagination of a buyer is self-concerned. They need to see your amazingly well presented property in their hands.

The anecdotal evidence is not confused. Staged homes get the most interest. There is something about brand new furniture, stylised accessories, sophisticated and well placed art works and a designed space that encourages competition to lift and buyers to self-appraise a property.

Buying has often been described as an emotional decision, selling, perhaps has its own emotion however, in the game of buying and selling, it is always the buyer’s emotions that should take priority.

By wiping the slate clean of your own personal history in your property, a professionally staged home can still retain a welcoming atmosphere to encourage buyers while providing a canvas for their own vision.


The benefits of professional photography are plain to see. It is really the photograph that is the first expression of your property on the market. And it is the photograph that initiates that first emotional response in the buyer.

Have a look at the images captioned below. A fine property, photographed in the first instance by a well-intentioned novice. The lighting, composition, focus and description of the potential of the space are just off. Then professionally staged and photographed. The room comes alive. Clearly more appealing.

Information:  Have available for your agent a written sheet with as much information about the history of the property as possible. Try to imagine what type of information buyers may seek. For example, a history of renovations on the property, the volume of any water tanks, location and size of the hot water system the age of any property features, pest control history, whether you have gutter guards, even the type of grass if you think that is a feature.

Information sourced from online outlets like RP data and can be limited, often depending on the age and market activity of your property. Buyers can get quite creative when it comes to questions on the nature of your property; having a fact sheet available for your sales agent may satisfy your curiosity and could mean more enthusiasm , the potential of a better sale.

Consider your Floor plan for the widest market. For example, some homes are custom built to allow for wide spaces. Sometimes adding a few walls equates to adding a new room which can in turn potentially open up the property to a wider market and add significant value to the property.

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Get the most out of presenting your property for sale in 5 ways